This web site seeks to make the basic reconnaissance data from various aerial surveys available to a wider audience with potentially different research interests from those of the authors. Accordingly, it presents a selection of aerial photographs of archaeological sites, whether previously known or newly discovered, and of potential sites. In the first instance these derive from the multi-season programmes of survey in south Dobrogea and south-western Transylvania. In due course material from the shorter survey programmes will be added.
The photographic data may be searched by map location or by site name. In addition, by using the generic search function, it can be interrogated for more specific characteristics such as site type (e.g. fort, tumulus), attributed date (e.g. Iron age, Roman), the nature of the remains (e.g. extant, cropmark), or even a particular RAN number.
Featured Site
Roman fortress, Byzantine settlement and Ottoman fortification in permanent pasture on high ground on the Danube bank E of Isaccea.