Site List (119 sites)

  • Collection: Western Transylvania

Two-phase Roman fortlet, with later circular feature inside, situated in permanent pasture on high ground 2km SW of the village.

Possible WWII trenches in permanent pasture on the edge of a promontary to the N of the village.

Rectangular ditched enclosure in permanent pasture midway between Jeledinți and Spini.

Subrectangular enclosure in permanent pasture on the edge of slight scarp N of Lancrăm.

Square enclosure of uncertain date in permanent pasture to the S of the village.

Uroi Hill, which projects into the Mureș valley just to the E of Simeria, is best known as a stone quarry used since at least Roman times, but is also the site of a c. 6.5 ha promontory fort, probably of Hallstatt date.

Stone castle and earthworks to the S of the village.

Possible road line located between Alba Iulia and Micești.

Two rectangular stone buildings, possibly Roman or later, in cultlivated fields on the edge of forested high ground SW of the village.

Scattered pits, possibly cremation burials, in cultivated fields within the S outskirts of Micești.

The large Roman auxiliary fort at Micia is situated on the south bank of the river Mureș in an area of cultivated strip fields immediately to the W of the power station at Mintia.

The associated civilian settlement (vicus) at Micia is extensive and surrounds the fort, though the main focus is within cultivated strip fields on its NE side.

The necropolis at Micia is situated in cultivated fields some 300m SW of the fort.

Rectangular structure immediately E of the railway bridge over Mureș in a cultivated field E of MIntia. Probably modern.

Sub-circular medieval fortified enclosure with projecting towers in permanent pasture immediately to the E of the village.

Roman villa in cultivated fields on a raised plateau overlooking the river Sebeș to W of Oarda. Fieldwalking revealed Roman building materials across an area c. 100m by 120m. There are a number of separate building ranges, some showing signs of…

Parallel linear crop-marks of uncertain significance in cultivated fields W of Oarda.

Two rectilinear enclosures, one sub-divided, located in an area of permanent pasture between remains of terracing E of the village. Probably post-medieval.

Rectangular enclosure in an area of permanent pasture 1.5km E of the village. Probably post-medieval.

Rectangular enclosure with adjacent enclosed pool in an area of permanent pasture 2km E of the village. Post-medieval.

Possible hillfort in permanent pasture at S end of Strei valley to the N of Subcetate.

WWI trenches in permanent pasture on the N bank of the Mureș NE of Pârău lui Mihai. Now destroyed by sand quarrying.

The Municipium Aurelium/Colonia Aurelia Apulensis is located immediately N of the crossing of the Mureș and S of the later Municipium Septimium Apulense. Road alignments and rectangular buildings defining several insulae are visible in cultivated…

Rectangular enclosure on the edge of a scarp in permanent pasture SW of the village.

Extensive surface exploitation of gold deposits in permanent pasture NW of the village. Probably of Roman or early modern date.